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Un Hombre Muerto a Puntapies

Nov 2019

Lights and Projection Designer

A theatrical adaptation of Pablo Palacio's short story, one of the first Latin American texts to reference alternate sexualities.

A detective story, "Un Hombre Muerto a Puntapies" (In English: A Man Kicked To Death" was published in 1927 by Pablo Palacio.

With the instruments of photography, the crónica, and ethical acts of reading, interpreting, and narrating, we follow the tale of a narrator who is out to solve the murder of a vagabond named Ramírez whose death is presumed to be caused by being kicked to death due to his homosexuality. It is perhaps the first Latin American text to reference alternate sexualities. The chronicle is an investigation into the odd murder of a man, simply described as "vicious".

Presented by Kaivalya Plays in collaboration with the Embassy of Ecuador in India and supported by Instituto Cervantes Nueva Delhi.


Published in 1927, the story was perhaps the first Latin American text to reference alternate sexualities, with the plot revolving around the death of a homosexual man who was simply described as “vicioso” (or “vicious”) in the incidence report. Staging this play in India, where homosexuality was decriminalized only in 2019, posed an interesting challenge to us as theatre-makers and to me who was tasked with imagining the visual language of the text. Given we were staging the play in a traditional proscenium, we decided to experiment with recorded dialogues and visceral projections to bring out a look-and-feel of a detective mystery.

Cast & Crew

Presented by Kaivalya Plays
Directed by Varoon P. Anand
Performed by Vanshika Verma, Tariq Ahmad, Sumit Kumar, Isha Khadaria, Varoon P. Anand
Production Managed by Gaurav Singh
Lights, Sound & Projection Designed by Gaurav Singh
Sound Operation & Production by Shakti Kumar

Production Overview

Premiere: 21 November 2019

No. of Performances: 3

Project Gallery

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